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ProAyurveda Wellness Consultants

Professional Consultants

Image by Calum Lewis


Science of Sages Adapted for Modern Ages®

ProAyurveda Wellness is committed to 'Optimal Health' for its clients and patients. We offer various consultancy services related to holistic health and nutrition, Our top consultants have vast experience in the field of healthy lifestyle, nutrition, special diets related to various health conditions like obesity, celiac disease, diabetes, heart disease and many other.

We are here for our clients, wherever, whenever.

We understand that sometimes things can get challenging, and we're here to help you choose the best health and lifestyle options from various time tested integrated and complementary wellness modalities.



Our Services

  • Holistic personalized approach to health conditions using Ayurvedic Wi...

    1 hr

    100 US dollars
  • Health coaching and counseling using modern and ancient, evidence base...

    1 hr

    100 US dollars
  • Diets for weight loss and other medical conditions

    1 hr

    100 US dollars
  • Join our yoga classes for better health

    Loading days...

    1 hr

    15 US dollars

Our Clients Say

Carol A Florence pic.jpg
"I would highly recommend the services of ProAyurveda Wellness.  I met with their consultants regarding some ongoing dizziness I was experiencing.  They were very thorough in performing assessments to identify the root cause of the problem and were very professional is recommending things I could do at home to heal.  They even demonstrated some yoga poses and made sure I had a clear understanding of how to proceed in taking charge of my health. I was more than impressed and would definitely go back."

Carole A Florence

Contact Me

Have a particular health challenge you’re trying to deal with? Contact me today and see what I can do for you.

Canton MI

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Image by Lina Trochez
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